

报告人:李晓鹏 教授(复旦大学)




Atoms are natural qubits for their fundamental property of being identical, and the consequent convenience in achieving scalable quantum control of large number of qubits. The atomic platform becomes particularly attractive with recent developments of optical tweezer and digital micromirror device techniques, where spatial resolved control of atoms is now feasible and advancing rapidly. This talk will present several protocols for atoms to perform quantum computing and solve difficult problems. I will describe a local quantum annealing architecture, by which atoms can be used for solving binary optimization. This has wide applications in factorization, combinatorial optimization, and graph partitioning. Then I will present a quantum kernel function expansion algorithm, for finite temperature quantum simulations. In this algorithm, the temperature dependence of observables is expanded in terms of complete basis functions, and the expansion moments are obtained on a quantum circuit. This quantum algorithm has a natural realization considering Rydberg atoms.


李晓鹏,复旦大学物理系教授。2008年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,2013年在美国匹兹堡大学获得博士学位。2013-2016年在马里兰大学从事博士后研究,2016底加入复旦大学物理系任青年研究员,2017年入选海外高层次人才计划,同年入选福布斯中国U30科技精英榜,2019年晋升正教授,2020年起在上海期智研究院兼任杰出科学家, 2021年入选上海青年科技启明星计划。主要从事量子模拟与量子计算算法等方面的研究。